Returns And Refunds Policy

Returns and Refund Policy

We allow refunds in genuine cases. However, in case if a wrong or a defective product has been delivered, do let us know at the earliest. You can write to us at or call us at +91 750694 3070 / 976906 3070 / 9619003070 (08:00 hours-18:30 hours, Mon-Sat) Our representative will contact you and may ask for some details about the product delivered or defaults therein. We expect your co-operation and support in completing the process and that will allow us to resolve your complaint expediently.

Orion is not responsible and does not guarantee refund for cases where:

In the event we are unable to supply all or part of your order (the product or any substitute product to you at all), we shall notify you as soon as possible and reimburse your payment for the part undelivered.

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